Empyrion is a 3D open world, space survival adventure in which you can fly across space and land on planets. The game will feature space & planetary exploration, building & construction, mining & resource gathering, survival, crafting, terrain deformation, as well as space & land combat.

  • 1.copy the.epb file to your blueprint folder. For example: D: Steam SteamApps common Empyrion - Galactic Survival Saves Blueprints Hummel-o-War 2. Start a new creative game or resume a creative savegame 3. Use the way described in B) Place a blueprint Have fun!
  • 1 what to expect from this guide 2 start a new game 3 preparations 3.1 =controls= 3.2 =hud info screen= 3.3 =how to consume an item= 4 steps to follow: setup 4.1 =picking up your stuff= 4.2 setting up your toolbar 5 steps to follow: energy & oxygen 5.1 =energy= 5.2 =oxygen= 6 steps to follow.
  • 5STEPS TO FOLLOW: Energy & Oxygen
  • 6STEPS TO FOLLOW: Base Stage I
  • 7STEPS TO FOLLOW: Base Stage II

What to expect from this guide

This guide is designed to help new players to get into the game. It may also be useful for players that have not played the game for a while. The guide is not designed to explain the game mechanics, but instead to help you survive your first gaming hours with a few easy steps to follow.This guide is for use with SURVIVAL mode, not Creative!


When starting a new game, you will have several choices to make:

  1. Gamemode: Survival or Creative
  2. Seed Nr: Just play around with it. Explanation can be found here: Procedural Seed
  3. Start Location: Omicron (Difficult) or Akua (Easy)

This guide is written for a SURVIVAL game on Omicron with a random Seed.



First: Check your button layout: Main Menu -> Options -> ControlsThis IS important, because some old and new hotkeys may save your life - or at least make it easier.

Second: Important Hotkeys are..

  • Y = If you have built a base or a vessel, use Y to activate/deactivate it. If turned off, fridge, automated turrets, oxygen station and other things will NOT work! If you turn on your base, DRONES will come for you. So be prepared!
  • F = Use/Open. Wait until your crosshair changes from to
  • J = Activate/Deactivate Jetpack. If your Jetpack IS activated, you can run, as of new update.
  • TAB = Open Inventory
  • F1 = Open PDA
  • F2 = Open Factory/Blueprints
  • F3 = Open Techtree
  • SHIFT+leftMouseClick = Move a whole stack of items from one inventory to the other (e.g.: from your personal inventory to the inventory of a constructor). This is fast and you don't need to use drag&drop. This combo has another important convenience function. We'll explain below (STEPS TO FOLLOW - Energy, Oxygen)

Third: Vehicle specific Hotkeys/Combos

  • SHIFT+SPACE = If you are sitting in a Hover-Vessel, this will allow you to JUMP over obstacles or out of a canyon.
  • SHIFT = If you are sitting in a Hover-Vessel that is laying on the side or on its top, this will orient/upgright the vessel.
  • SPACE = Will increase your vehicle's altitude (distance between your HV and the ground) in discrete steps.
  • O = Hold O and your vessel will 'orient' itself to the standard horizon in space and on planets
  • C = Will lower your HVs flight altitude in discrete steps
  • U = Take off helmet. Be careful. Only take off your helmet when you are in a cockpit or on Akua. Every other location will kill you quite fast!
  • V = Change to third person view.
  • ALT = Tap once to activate free-look when in third person view (crosshairs disappear). Tap again to return to follow view (crosshairs reappear).

Undocumented Hotkeys/Combos

  • SHIFT+P = opens the settings menu for the item you are aiming at. A quick way to change colors for lights. Please note: You need to stand onto/have physical contact to the base or vehicle the item is attached to!
  • holding CTRL + left mouse button when placing blocks creates a plane of blocks!

See full key bindings here


Your HUD will provide you with a lot of information. Most important are:

  1. Your Toolbar: The yellow glow shows which item is selected (visible in your hands). Scroll up and down via the mouse wheel or quick-select via the number-buttons
  2. Personal Info Screen: Shows data about your Health (red), Hunger (green), Oxygen level (blue), Stamina (purple) and a few others, like Jetpack load status (orange bar; drops when Jetpack is used; refills automatically)
  3. Character View (on the right) and Player Inventory (on the left)
  4. Secondary Info Screen: Shows available info about the item you are currently holding in your hands
  5. Item Info Screen: If you hover over an item in your toolbar or in your Player Inventory, this panel will show very important details about the item (especially for food items!)
  6. Minimap. Hit M to open the planetary view
  7. Message Area (not shown): keep an eye on this one. Alerts like approaching Drones will be shown here!


This is a frequent question, so we'll explain a bit more in detail:

  1. You can shift+right click on any consumable to directly consume it from your or any open inventory.


  1. A consumable item (MediKit, Food, Small O2 Bottle, Antidotes...) can be added to the toolbar first (See HUD Info below) and then consumed.
  2. Select the consumable in your toolbar (orange glow)
  3. Ahead of clicking the left-mouse button, make sure your crosshair looks like this: And NOT like this: Otherwise, consuming the selected item will not work!
  4. With the desired consumable highlighted in the toolbar, click the left-mouse button once.


DISCLAIMER for the 'Steps to follow' topics: With the addition of DIFFICULTY SETTINGS this guide may not work on all settings. The Guide has been written for EASY mode. There is more than one way to survive even on harder planets. But, as stated above, this guide is written as a best practice, which will work in most of all cases. If you advance in your player skill, you may find different and maybe even better solutions.


  1. Get out of the escape capsule, turn around and access the escape capsules inventory by aiming at it and press T.
  2. There is a 'Collect All' arrow on the top right edge of the escape capsule inventory. Click it!

You need to pick up ALL of the items, because the capsule will DESPAWN after a few minutes. Items that are left in the inventory will be LOST!Note: This 'collect-all' button is available for most of the blocks with an inventory and all of the fauna or enemies you kill (and want to loot). You can of course drag & drop each item one by one!


Open your inventory (I) and move the following items from your inventory to your toolbar via drag & drop

Please note:

  • Depending on the difficulty setting, you might NOT get all the items named above or in this overview!
  • You do not need to add ammo or charges to your toolbar! These will be used/reloaded directly from your player inventory.
  • Of course you need to move any block you want to place to a free slot in your toolbar first.

STEPS TO FOLLOW: Energy & Oxygen


  1. Go and search for a nearby lake.
  2. Select the Survival Constructor from your toolbar (e.g. slot 4)
  3. Search for a suitable place on the shoreline to set him up
  4. If the wireframe around the Survival Constructor becomes BLUE, you are free to place it! (left-mouse click; You can pick it up with SHIFT-F)
  5. Access the Constructor (T)
  6. Hold SHIFT and use left-mouse click on the following items in your player inventory (This will move the whole stack to the constructor inventory [1]!): All of the ingots (silicon, copper, iron..), Magnesium Powder, Promethium Pellets,Core
  7. Open the COMPONENTS template folder on the top left side of the constructor screen (see screenshot -> [2] -> [3])
  8. Hold SHIFT and use left-mouse click on the Fuel Pack (Promethium) template four or five times. For each click, this will add 10 templates to the construction queue [4].
  9. Find the ON/OFF switch on the top right edge of the constructor screen [5]. Click once to set to ON. (OFF = default)

The survival constructor will now start to produce the ordered items (You need to set the constructor to OFF if you want to remove templates from the queue!)


  1. Turn to the nearby lake where you had set up your survival constructor
  2. Select the O2 Generator from your toolbar (e.g. from slot 5)
  3. Place the O2 Generator on the ground of the lake: only the very base of the O2 generator needs to be in water. It does not need to be submerged, and doing so will not increase the efficiency; it will either be 80% because it counts as in water, or zero because it does not count as in water. (some planets have less efficient ways of gathering O2, such as placing the generator on snow)
  4. Access the O2 Generator (T)
  5. Add TWO (!) of your fuel packs to the Energy Reservoir [1]: left-Click on the fuel pack stack in your player inventory on the left side. Move to the right side of the screen and left-click on a free slot of the 'energy pack' reservoir to add one fuel pack into each slot.
  6. If done so, the status screen [3] will start a countdown timer, showing when the next Oxygen Bottles will be available

Now, get out of the water and head back to the shore.


As the small constructor only has a reduced range of blocks to choose from, we will first be building a base to improve our situation on Omicron, then build a Hover Vessel to explore our surroundings.


  1. Return to the Survival Constructor and access it (T)
  2. If you were following the steps described in the 'Energy' chapter above, you should now have around 70 Fuel Packs waiting to be picked up from the constructor inventory [1]. Drag and Drop the stack to your player inventory (or hold SHIFT and click once)
  3. Find the template in the COMPONENTS template directory [2]. Hover over the Metal Plates template. The Item Info Screen on the right side tells us, we will get 10 Metal Plates (Output) from each template we add to the construction queue. Hold SHIFT and left-Click on the template once to add 10 templates to the construction queue. We will get 100 Metal Plates. We'll need a lot of them.
  4. While these are in the works, switch to the Building Blocks template folder. Hold SHIFT and click on the Hull Block (Grey) template twice. This will get us 20 grey hull blocks.
  5. Next, click on the Base Starter template ONCE. We need this block to create the first stage of your base.
  6. Wait until these are created. Switch to the DEVICES template folder.
  7. Create the more complex Devices: a Small Generator, a Small Fuel Tank and the Large Constructor. You may want to use the Quick Construction Queues help as described in the next chapter!


IF you don't want to calculate the needs of the components, just use this Quick Construction Queues we have put together for you!

Small Generator (Base)

Small Fuel Tank (Base)

Large Constructor (Base)


While waiting for the basic blocks to be created, head back to the beach and find a place close to the water, where we can place our base. To be able to place the Base Starter we need to have flat terrain. But most terrain isn't plane. So we need to do something about this:

  1. Select the Filler & Flatten Tool from your toolbar (e.g. slot 2)
  2. Aim for the ground and click&hold the RIGHT-mouse button. This will flatten the ground around you DOWN to about the the level where your feet are! Just walk around and get some practice!

While flattening the terrain, have a look at the lower left corner of your screen. Between your Personal Info Screen and your Toolbar you'll notice NUMBERS piling up. These are EXPERIENCE POINTS (XP). XP are used to unlock items from the tech tree.

  • Press (I) to open your Inventory Screen. There you will notice the XP-Progress bar below your avatar. It will show you how many XP you are away from your next unlock.
  • We'll discuss this topic later on.
  • For now, close the inventory view and keep leveling the ground. This will add quite a heap of XP to your progress bar.


If you managed to flatten an area big enough for our needs, we can now start to place our core base elements

  1. Access the small constructor
  2. Move all the base blocks to your toolbar: Base Starter, Small Generator, Small Fuel Tank and Large Generator
  3. Also move the Hull Blocks to your toolbar
  4. Head over to our excavated site
  5. Select the Base Starter block
  6. Aim at the ground. When the red wireframe becomes BLUE, you can place the block.
  7. Now add the four other base blocks to this base 'grid'. It may look like the screenshot on the right with the precious blocks added to the basement (increased cover, less exposed)

First, lets collect some XP to unlock those blocks needed!

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In order to ramp up your XP and because you should scout your surroundings anyhow, let's go for a walk. Take these notes with you:

  1. Pick up everything you can find. This not only adds XP, but you'll need it sooner or later!
  2. On Omicron especially watch out for the Ahax Fruit (Plant)! Remember their places! When harvested, it will drop an . You can eat this fruit without the need for growing it or having a food processor. Just move it to a free slot of your toolbar and consume it. It will give you a few health, food points and stamina, so you do not need to use the precious early on.
  3. On Akua, watch out for the Corn Dog (Plant), which will drop the , a valuable source of food.
  4. Don't mess with the fauna if you are not prepared! Your Projectile Pistol can dish out small amounts of damage, but your magazine is too small and reloading takes a few seconds.
  5. Most of the animals are harmless unless provoked. And all animals (even the alien ones) will drop (=will create very high yield food stuff when used in a Food Processor) and other useful things.

Find out MORE about Fauna and Flora on the planet overview pages of Omicron and Akua!

=SPEND SOME XP (Unlock Lvl 3 Blocks)=

In the meantime, you should have reached level 3 with ease. Time to spend some XP.

  1. Open the Techtree (O)
  2. Select the WEAPONS tab and have a look at the items of 'Level 3'
  3. Click on the Assault Rifle item and click 'UNLOCK' (found on top of the techtree). Note: Charges and Ammo for each Tool or Weapon are unlocked automatically!
  4. Select the BASE tab
  5. Unlock Oxygen Station (CV,BA), Fridge (T1) and Cannon Turret from 'Level 3'
  6. Select the MISC tab
  7. Unlock Cargo Box from 'Level 2'

Now we are good to go.


In a final step, we will now create all the blocks necessary for a fully functional base with some storage and defense. Because the survival constructor cannot build those, we need to activate our base. This will call in the drones sooner or later, so we need some more firepower, but first things first.


  1. Head over to your survival constructor and access it (T)
  2. Switch to the WEAPONS template category
  3. Create an Assault Rifle
  4. Create 100 rounds of 5.8mm Ammo (click template 4x)
  5. Wait until this has finished
  6. Then pull everything from the survival creator inventory: ingots, resources, devices, components...everything. (Reason: if the Survival Constructor gets destroyed in a failed drone attack, we are losing a lot of resources!)
  7. Equip your Assault Rifle: Move it to slot 1 of your toolbar (Leave the ammo in your inventory)
  8. Select the Assault Rifle and click R. This will load the first clip of 25 rounds (enough for 1 drone or a monster on full-auto mode)


To make our base fully functional, we need to fire up the base and create the following devices with the help of the Large Constructor

  1. Access the Small Fuel Tank of your base.
  2. Hold SHIFT and click on the Fuel Pack (Promethium) stack in your personal inventory. This will fill up the whole fuel tank to its maximum capacity.
  3. Stand on the top of your base and hit Y.

Now, your base is activated...and sooner or later, a DRONE ALERT will pop up. Stay alert when performing the following steps!


  1. Access the Large Constructor (T)
  2. Create the following DEVICES. Just use the QUICK CONSTRUCTION QUEUES (QCQ) if you like.

Oxygen Tank plus Oxygen Station (CV,BA)

When these are done, we suggest to create at least one Cargo Box and at least 20 Truss Block

Now, go and build your base!

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Click to expand category

General Questions about Empyrion

Q: What is Empyrion – Galactic Survival?

Empyrion is a 3D open world, space survival adventure in which you can fly across space and land on planets. The game will feature space & planetary exploration, building & construction, mining & resource gathering, survival, crafting, terrain deformation, as well as space & land combats. It takes place in a vast procedurally generated galaxy that includes hundreds of different solar systems. Each solar system contains several planets with their own characteristics.

Q: What is the gameplay like?

Empyrion is an open world game about building, exploring, fighting and surviving in a procedurally generated galaxy full of hidden dangers. The vast galaxy features endless space, asteroids, planets, and fierce enemies. You can build everything out of blocks and building parts like in Minecraft: large starships, small spaceships, space and planetary stations, as well as facilities such as mining robots and solar panels. Your mobile home base is a self-created starship (mothership) that is able to fly from planet to planet and warp between solar systems. To access and explore a planet, you must build one or several, small spaceships that can enter the planet’s orbit and land on the planet’s surface. The mothership and spaceships can be equipped with weapons to defend themselves against other players and NPC enemies.

For building and construction, you must gather and mine resources. You will find these resources on planets and asteroids. Empyrion features several planet types such as desert, ice, lava, barren, oceanic, temperate and alien. Each of them is different and has its own characteristics and potentially unforgiving conditions. To survive, you have to adapt to a planet’s unique environment. Initially, you face an uncharted universe with only basic information about the planets, their resources, and (potentially dangerous) life forms. Before your first landing on a planet, you will not know exactly what awaits you – be prepared for any surprise.

Q: What makes Empyrion unique?

The majority of space simulations do not offer the possibility to land on planets and freely walk around on their surface. We were always frustrated that in these games you can see planets and you can approach them but you are not able to actually enter their orbit, fly over their surface and eventually land on them to freely walk around. If you are lucky, Ego-Shooters/FPS allow you to freely explore a planet in an open world style but you cannot get on a spaceship, leave the planet and freely explore a vast procedurally generated galaxy.

In Empyrion, we got rid of these two major limitations described above: Imagine that while you’re flying through space you see a planet in the distance. As you get closer, you can see there are mountains on it. Well, the really cool thing is that you can actually keep flying towards the planet, enter its atmosphere and eventually land on these mountains. Then you can get off your ship and freely explore your surroundings. Likewise, if you walk around on the planet and see a moon on the horizon, you can take your spaceship and fly to this moon and land on it. So, as you can see, unlike many other games, Empyrion offers a true free-roaming experience.

In addition, Empyrion is strongly inspired by world editing games. Specifically, we integrated a freedom of open world where you can build everything out of blocks and building parts. The very cool and unique feature in Empyrion is that the optimal strategy is not fixed but will strongly depend on “how” you build stuff. For example, if you like to be more of an explorative type who wants to discover many different planets you should build a small and fast mothership, while a large, heavy and well-armed mothership will drive your playing style towards fighting and defence of few planets.

Moreover, we think that elements from survival games like Rust or other survival games add a level of realism to the gameplay that makes it addictive. In Empyrion, every decision you make will have an impact on the course of the game and eventually decide whether you succeed…or not.

Q: Is there a background story to Empyrion?

A: Yes. Please check out our detailed background story here: http://empyriongame.com/story The background story is inspired by the never-ending hunt for paradise. The word “Emyprion” is derived from the Medieval Latin “empyreus” and refers to the place in the highest heaven beyond the firmament, which in ancient cosmologies was supposed to be occupied by celestial beings made of pure light that are the source of creation. In the year 2402, a team of researchers discovered the wrack of a starship in the Antarctic, hidden up to this time under a thick cover of ice. Apparently, the ship belonged to a technologically highly advanced alien race and was powered by an unknown form of energy. Also a star map containing ancient symbols was recovered. Soon scientists realized that the symbols on the star map were similar to those used in ancient cosmologies to describe “Empyrion” – the land of plenty. With humanity on verge of extinction, the “United Council of Humanity” decided to focus the remaining resources on Earth on a unified effort to build a fleet of starships with the aim of establishing contact with the mysterious aliens and finding Empyrion. Players assume the role of the first commander of the frigate “MS Titan”, on the mission to find Empyrion. But not everything turns out as expected…

Q: When will Empyrion be released and where will I be able to purchase Empyrion?

A: The public Pre-Alpha has been released on August,5th 2015 as a digital download only. Alpha 1.o has been released on April 15th 2016 as a digital download only

Q: What does Early Access mean?

A: Early Access means that you can buy a playable but not yet final version of Empyrion, while the game is still under active development. By buying the Alpha version of Empyrion, you are actively supporting its development.

Q: Do i need to buy the game again when it leaves Alpha or Early Access?

A: No. You only need to buy it once.

Q: What game engine do you use to develop the game?

A: We use Unity (currently v5.3) as our game engine due to its ease of use, flexibility, robust scripting system and large asset store (middleware). We believe that middleware is the key to finishing a game for a small, independent game studio. By purchasing assets that have been tested rather than starting from scratch, we reduce the development risk and increase efficiency. With this approach, we speed up development and free up capacity to focus on the gameplay.

Q: On which platforms will Empyrion be released? (PC, MAC, Linux, Etc.)?

A: In the beginning, we are focusing on releasing the game on Windows PC (at least the first builds) and the dedicated servers for Linux. Given that we develop on Unity 3d – a cross-platform game creation system which allows to publish to over 10 platforms (Mac, Linux, PlayStation, Xbox etc.) – we will try our best to make Empyrion available on a maximum number of platforms over time.

Q: Do you have a forum?

A: Of course! Please head over to www.empyriononline.com.

Q: Do you plan to translate the game into other languages?

A: Currently the game is available in English and German. We plan to add more languages like French and Spanish. More languages will follow.

Video Policy

Q: What is your policy on YouTube videos?

A: Using these guidelines, Eleon Game Studios grants permission for users to make videos (Let’s Play, reviews, walk-throughs, etc.), monetize them and publish to YouTube, twitch.TV, or similar digital services.

Building and Construction

Q: How many block types will there be? For example will there be blocks with a really low gradient to create sleek, thin spaceships?

A: As of today, we have already added several types of materials and blocks that offer up to 32 individual shapes!

Q: Will there be construction solidity physics?

A: Yes. A first version of Structural Integrity has been introduced with Alpha 1.0

Q: How is the crafting system going to work?

A: We have decided to use crafting stations for creating blocks and items.

Q: Is Empyrion’s main focus engineering?

A: The focus of Empyrion will not be on engineering but rather on exploration and survival in a vast procedurally generated galaxy with hundreds of different solar systems.

Q: Will there be tools like axes and shovels?

A: Given that we are in the year 2473, we might not add axes and shovels but more advanced equipment. But never say never.

Space and Planet

Q: Are planets destructible and you can dig all the way through?

A: Planet have solid cores (i.e. you cannot dig all the way through) and they will probably not be destructible.

Q: Will you be able to circle a planet, i.e, start at point A, fly in one direction and arrive at the same point A?

A: Yes, absolutely. The planets are round which means you can circle them. The larger ones will be about 150 km^2 which means that a player would need more than 60min to circle the entire planet at the equator by foot.

Q: How you are going to add enough interest for players to explore on the planets?

A: You must explore different planets because they will provide you with the necessary resources. You won’t find everything you need on one planet. Each planet will be unique with its own characteristics and potentially unforgiving conditions. You have to adapt to a planet’s environment – otherwise you will not succeed. Initially, you only have basic information about the planets, their resources, and (potentially dangerous) life forms. Before your first landing on a planet, you will not know exactly what awaits you. So you will feel like Christopher Columbus each time you enter a planet’s orbit for the first time.

AI, PVE, PVP and Multiplayer Mechanics

Q: How advanced will AI be?

A: In the beginning, AI will be basic but we plan to make it more advanced over the development of the game.

Q: Will this be a more PVP or PVE focused game?

A: This is up to the server admins. It is possible to make the whole game PvE or PvP only. You can also set differente playfields (Planet or Orbits) to PvP or PvE individually!

Q: Is it possible to play the whole game in single player ?

A: Yes, you will be able to play the whole game in single player if you want.

Q: How will multiplayer work?

A: At the moment, dedicated servers can be hosted by any player (the necessary files are included in every installation of the game) or rented by a server provider. Admins have a lot of options to alter their server universe and we aim to add more customization options in the development process. Our vision for later is the development and implementation of a multiplayer infrastructure that allows connecting a huge number of servers with each other. Each server will simulate a certain part of the galaxy and together they constitute the galaxy in which everybody plays.

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Q: Will there be diplomacy

A: Too early to say but it could be a feature for later development.

Q: Are there be factions?

A: Yes. Any player can create a faction. Factions also can own buildings and vessels.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Q: Is a mothership able to land on a planet?

A: Yes, Capital Vessels can land on a planet. The downside: flying around on a planet with such a big vessel uses up the fuel very, very quickly.

Q: How will you control your ships and bases?

A: There will be a “control panel” from which you can control the whole ship / base.

Q: How do shields work?

A: Shields will be around the outside of your ship. However, functioning of shields is not yet 100% defined – we are working on it.

Q: Will there be a deep space radar?

A: Yes, that is a feature we would like to implement in later development. Also, we would like to implement a detection system and some sort of cloaking system.

Q: Is there a creative mode?

A: Yes. You can choose between Survival and Creative when starting a new game.

Q: Apart from finding “Empyrion” will there be another story or side quests?

A: Yes, we plan to add some side quests (however, not in the first Alpha builds but for later development).

Q: Are there ground vehicles to explore planets?

A: Yes, we have hover-based ground vessels.

Technical and Modding

Q: Will there be a version for Linux and Mac?

Empyrion Blueprints Manual Download

A: In the beginning, we are focusing on releasing the game on Windows PC (at least the alpha version) and the dedicated servers for Linux. Given that we develop on Unity – a cross-platform game creation system which allows to publish to over 10 platforms (Mac, Linux, PlayStation, Xbox etc.) – we don’t exclude the possibility that in the future the game will be available on other platforms as well.

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Q: Will Empyrion be open to modding?

Empyrion Blueprints

A: We are open to modders! However, it will require additional time and effort to polish developer tools and make them intuitive for modders. Therefore, the extent of mod support we will be able to provide is a question of priority, cost and time.

Q: What are the system requirements for the game?

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A: Minimum System Requirements. OS: Windows (7 and 8), 64-bit system required. Processor: Dual-Core Processor 2.5 GHz or better. Memory: 8GB RAM. Graphics: AMD RX 550 / NVIDIA GTX 1050 (min. 2 GB VRAM). DirectX: 11. Hard Drive: 10 GB available space (SSD is highly recommended). Sound Card: DirectX® compatible.

Empyrion Blueprints Download

Recommended Requirements. OS: Windows (7 and 8), 64-bit system required. Processor: Quad-Core 3 GHz or better. Memory: 16GB RAM. Graphics: AMD Vega 56 / NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti (min. 4 GB VRAM). DirectX: 11. Hard Drive: 15GB available space (SSD is highly recommended). Sound Card: DirectX® compatible.

Empyrion Galactic Blueprints

Dedicated server requirements will follow.